Monday, June 29, 2009

Big mama!

Butch took this picture tonight - as you can see I am really tired and ready for bed (it's 7:45pm) I am not sleeping so well at night, but I am so thankful to be off work now and able to nap during the day! I have a prenatal apt. tomorrow (6/30), I think my midwife will check me which could be exciting. He is stirring like crazy and getting mama reallllly excited to finally see his face.  

Today my girlfriend Coco went into the hospital to have her baby. She was induced about 4:00pm so her little girl may be born today or tomorrow. Can't wait to meet her! 

xoxo Katrina & Brooks 

Monday, June 22, 2009

Day 254

Butch and I have been saying a lot lately that we have so much to be thankful for. We are so incredibly fortunate to have all that we have and to know the people we know. If it wasn't for all the loving supportive people in our lives I don't know where we would be. I don't think I can say it enough - we have so much to be thankful for. Our home, our jobs, our family, our friends, our health, our Leo, to name a few. I feel overwhelmed by the immense love I have for everyone, and the thought of bringing Brooks' into such a beautiful time in our lives where he can feel all the love too! I can not wait to bring him into this world. I know I have said it before but I mean it now more than ever, I am so excited for his birth! I have wanted him for so long and now he is almost here. My baby! It feels like Christmas now that the countdown is kind-of on! I say "kind-of" because I don't really care when he comes, just as long as he is ready, I will be ready. However mentally and physically I would like more time to prepare, so if everything works out in my favor he will hold off until his due date (7/18). It is better for him to stay 'in the oven' as long as possible anyway.

On another note, I am super excited to share in motherhood with my amazing friends, Julie & Colleen (among many others). Colleen is due today! Little Girl McBride will be born anytime and she is coming into such a loving, beautiful family, my heart wells up to think of all the love they will share. Ahhhh.

xoxo Katrina

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Momma love

My mom flew down from Yakima to be with us on our shower day and to share in the joy and anticipation of our baby Brooks. Thanks for being here mom! You are going to be an amazing grandma.


Julie, Colleen, Myself, Katie & Amy... 
You girls mean so much to me! You all helped me get to the place I am right now. You each helped me find love and find myself. I am so glad you are in my life, I am so glad you will be in Brooks' life. Thank you for your awesome love and support. Thank you for being you.

Monday, June 1, 2009