Wednesday, July 13, 2011

2 years

Hi, my Brooks! My sweet little boy. I can't believe how far we have come. You especially. Physically you have grown tall, and your muscular physic has grown more defined. Your face, no longer a baby face, is so beautiful and so perfect. And you're so smart. You are attentive and shy and energetic. You have a beautiful heart. You are kind, and sensitive, and empathic. You are a very loving and super helpful big brother. You are reserved entering a room or meeting a person for the first time. You like to observe and take things in before you come out of your shell. But even when you are in a comfortable space, sometimes you prefer to follow someone else's lead, or play on your own.

Your favorite things include; airplanes, trucks, cars, tractors, firetrucks, police cars, garbage trucks and bikes. You love to say the color purple and to say the number two. You have lots of favorite foods including; yogurt, fruit bars, cheese, rice & beans, and cookies. You love to run and wrestle with your daddy. But your favorite game right now is Hide... where you hide from us, with us, or try to find us (usually under a blanket). Daddy and I love this game because we steal the chance to cuddle with you under a blanket while hiding from something like a bee (actually a fly but you don't know the difference). You love to play in the water but you are also very timid around big pools of water and hate having your hair washed. We wash your hair about twice a month to avoid the fight. Scarlet and Nolan are your best friends, but you also love Coco (Todo), "Uncle" Mark, and your grandparents... especially Papa! Right now you repeat every word we say. Suffice to say you talk a lot! We love it. We love you Buddy and are so happy to celebrate You turning Two!