Monday, October 5, 2009


Brooks Daniel has been growing and changing every day in so many ways. First of all - his hair grew back in in the front where he lost it early on. He smiles, laughs and sometimes shrieks with excitement when he gets really worked up. He sees the whole room now and will fixate on things in the room and I wonder WHAT he is thinking?! He watches Leo now. He uses his hands but mostly only to make fists and suck on them. He is sleeping well. Eating well. He weighs close to 15 pounds, and was in the 90th percentile in height and weight at his last check up.

I love him so much it hurts. It hurts inside, deep down where I have never felt emotion before. I miss him when he sleeps. I want to kiss him nonstop when he's awake. He lights up my days and nights. I am so happy being mommy I can't stand it. It is the best feeling in the world. I love my family!