Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Brooks Daniel Boswell welcomed to our world

Brooks Daniel Boswell was welcomed to our world on 7/15/09 at 10:11 AM at home, 2129 Cypress St., SLO... Little B, so alert, so beautiful... his little spirit brightened our lives tenfold and made me feel more alive than I have ever felt. Being a mommy this last week has been full of excitement, nervousness, and most of all an overwhelming feeling of joy. I am not as strong and confident as that 9 month pregnant woman YET. Getting to know this little guy and myself as a new mom leaves me full of questions and sometimes anxiety. All in all I feel so grateful for #1 my husband! My love for him has grown huger than my heart and my mind and my body can absorb... #2 the people that inspired me to prepare for the best birth experience possible and helped my dream of having a natural birth come true... and #3 a million little things that Brooks brings to life around me...

I have to go eat dinner now--- next minute I have I will finish this post--- it will be a long one...


Monday, July 13, 2009

Latest belly shot!

Here is the latest: 39 weeks and 2 days. I am feeling great! Can't wait to meet this guy...

Friday, July 10, 2009

The Waiting Game

It sounds harsh to say I am waiting for baby Brooks to be born because I do not feel an urgency for him to come out. He is so protected and all of his needs are being met so easily and peacefully inside my womb. He is in a world all of us should be jealous of! His next world will be a little shocking - - but Butch and I plan to do everything possible to ease his transition to the big outside world. In fact for the first few weeks of his life I would like to keep him in a little bubble, with me, daddy, family, and of course warmth, food and quiet. I want to recreate the womb with as little noise, light and stimulation as possible. Does that sound crazy? Well I read that somewhere and it makes sense to me. Of course we'll have to venture out eventually, but I don't want to rock his world too much, too soon. That said, I am excited to see his little face. I daydream (and night dream) about it all the time. I am savoring in these last few days of pregnancy, taking the time to absorb every movement and think about every activity that could be the last before he is here!

Butch and I have been soaking up every last minute alone together! Over the past 5 1/2 years it has been just us... until Leo came along and made our world brighter and lovelier. Now this little guy will come along and do the same thing. Everyone likes to tell us how hard it will be, how little sleep we will get, and how Butch and I will never be the same. Thank you to everyone who has said "we will never be the same" in a positive way! Of course we are expecting things to be different, but we will change together and grow in love because of the love we have for our son. With this new chapter we hope you will all have a huge part in caring for our baby and growing with us as well. Thank you all for your support. We truly feel it and feel loved beyond belief. Thank you thank you! Love love!

Katrina & Brooks