Monday, October 8, 2012

Brooks @ age 3

My lovely Brooks. You are three years old and you are too cute for words. You are sweet, charming, sensitive, and overly affectionate...when you want to be. The other part of the time you are hard-headed, disobedient, and straight up loco when you do not get your way. Dad and I are working overtime to stand by our rules, and worrying around-the-clock about raising you right, and effectively communicating with you (and each other). You are doing nothing wrong per are a brilliant, confident, strong-willed three year old who is challenging us simply because you have discovered that you can (and also that you do not like all of our rules). Nap shmap. Sharing shmaring. It's hard. This age is hard. But it is also so wonderful to see how far you have come. You have been going to preschool for a few months now and you really like it! I think you like the challenge. Although the only bit of information you have given us in the last 5 weeks is that you have one friend, named Maddox. But your face lights up when I take you, and you ask on the days you are home when you can go again. You are riding your balance bike very well now. Every time I see you on it you get a little bit more comfortable and daring (lord help me). You are quite timid and cautious compared to other kids your age. I find you watching others a lot, and standing back from a group or playing solo. You are thoughtful, and so compassionate. We recently took a camping trip to El Capitan in Santa Barbara. Car camping, with James, Julie, and Nolan. Also Tom and Emily came along. You loved it. Of course you love anything that has to do with Nolan, Julie, and James. We played on the beach, had a scavenger hunt, and roasted marshmallows every night. The last two nights we camped you practically begged us to put you to bed at night. You played hard and slept very well in the tent with Dad, Ella, and I. 

Upon arrival at our campsight. 
This was the last time we saw these kids without dirt covering their face, arms, and legs.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

My Brooks, my love. You are almost 3 years old! You are getting to be such a big boy! You are learning so fast, and growing so tall. You are teaching mommy so much about being a good person. I learn from you every day. You are so innocent and kind-hearted. Although you do a very good job at pushing my (and daddy's) buttons! But you are 2 and that just comes with the territory. I look forward to every day with you. Although you truly think your daddy is the "best" right now. Mommy is a close second. You also love Diana (our babysitter), and your best friends Nolan and Scarlet. Your little Sissy follows you everywhere and the two of you are becoming buddies. I can't wait until you laugh and play and entertain each other all day long. You are on the verge! My heart is steady and full. You bring me so much joy! You are an amazing little person.