Thursday, April 12, 2012

My Brooks, my love. You are almost 3 years old! You are getting to be such a big boy! You are learning so fast, and growing so tall. You are teaching mommy so much about being a good person. I learn from you every day. You are so innocent and kind-hearted. Although you do a very good job at pushing my (and daddy's) buttons! But you are 2 and that just comes with the territory. I look forward to every day with you. Although you truly think your daddy is the "best" right now. Mommy is a close second. You also love Diana (our babysitter), and your best friends Nolan and Scarlet. Your little Sissy follows you everywhere and the two of you are becoming buddies. I can't wait until you laugh and play and entertain each other all day long. You are on the verge! My heart is steady and full. You bring me so much joy! You are an amazing little person.

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